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Brentwood, California, California, United States
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the valiant never taste of death but once." -Julius Caesar

Friday, July 3, 2009

Retribution: Time to talk utility!

So, I just remembered another dream I had last night... and, it inspired me to make this post. So, here we go!

So, there's been a lot of focus on Retribution lately, and our performance in PvE and PvP. Now, in Retribution: A New Combat System, I discussed the possibilities for giving Retribution control over their burst, damage, and mana--so this post I'm going to be discussing utility.

Here's the catch: I'm not going to ask for, or make any reference to Paladins having, a snare, Mortal Strike, an interrupt, or even a distance closer. I'm going to focus entirely upon new and creative ways to implement further defensive utility into the Paladin. This will open up the doors for many new teams and create opportunities for classes and specs that would otherwise avoid the arena, as being a glass cannon often leads to the enemy exploiting the 'glass' before you can fire the cannon.

So let's give glass cannons a way to survive, give the Retribution Paladin additional utility for a raised skill cap, and introduce something new to the arena rather than homogenizing the Paladin for the sake of balance.

Something that Paladins could use is another ability to use as a 'peel', which is done by pulling an enemy off of an arena partner. This can be done with Hammer of Justice or Repentance -- but the cooldowns on these two abilities are extremely restrictive, as they are currently used as a peel, an interrupt, a distance closer, CC chains, an opener for burst, etc. Having two long cooldown spells being responsible for so many different uses means that they are never available often enough. But, enough of that ranting -- back to ideas for a peel.

Think Death Grip, but reversed.

The Paladin reaches out with holy, grabbing his ally and pulling them to safety, removing all movement impairing effects.

Just think of the options it opens--I'm getting giddy just thinking about it. ~♥

It could be used to save the idiot standing in the fire in PvE, it could be used to pull a partner up in Blades Edge, or out of LoS of a CC/Burst/Etc by pulling them behind a pillar... it'd be an amazing spell. If it proves to be too much, it could share a cooldown with Hand of Freedom, forcing better decision making rather than just mashing the button whenever an arena partner runs into trouble.

Anyway, another possible idea -- what if the Paladin could instantly transfer all current debuffs on his targetted ally to him/herself? It could be a one shot deal, or could have a continued effect of transferring the debuffs for X seconds. It could be used as a peel, a guard agains burst (removing all diseases/DoT's/etc before the big finale lands), etc. It would have to be used carefully though, because if used carelessly -- the enemy team will just switch targets and blow up the Retadin.
"Oh? You stole my diseases huh?"

Sadly, those are the only two ideas I could come up with off the top of my head. But, I ask you my wonderful readers, what are some ideas you can come up with?

Challenge yourself, though. Try to follow the following criteria:
Defensive utility -- no mortal strikes, interrupts, incapacitates, snares, etc.
Unique -- Try to think of spells or abilities that other classes or specs don't have yet. It can mirror an offensive ability, though, I.E. my 'reverse death grip' idea.
Make sure it's balanced. Ask yourself, "If this was given to another class, would I consider it fair?"

So, that said, what are your thoughts? Do you believe that Retribution Paladins could be successful, and possibly bring success to our squishy caster friends, by bringing so much powerful defensive utility to the table?

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